Monday, March 10, 2014

Final Question

"How do the things  I value reveal my personal story?"
The above photo is my personal poster about things I consume, as it says.  There are ten things, displayed on this poster.  I can easily tell you that the two most important to me are my God and my family.  There is no question these are the things I value the most in my life.  Without either of these things my life would be pointless.  The fact that these are the most important, reveal what truly matters to me. In my opinion, if family and God aren't the two most important things in your life, then you're living your life wrong.  Those two things need to be at the center of everything you are.  Seeing as how they are at the center of my life, I think it says something about my character and what really matters to me in my daily life, I DO NOT need anything materialistic.  Even though this poster project was very materialistic, at the base of everything else, is God and family.  So there you have it, that's who I am, like it or not.


  1. i really enjoyed reading this. i can totally agree with you when you say god and family are your most important things in your life. and also can agree when you say you do not need any materialistic things. i believe they just get in the way and even corrupt people because for some it is just so important

  2. I have something similar to knives on my story too. Cool story bro, I love sleeping also

  3. Good point about family and God but the truth of the "matter" is that we do consume certain things and these things do reveal a bit about what we value, even if they are materialistic–this is a material world. I would like to know more about this unique family of yours that makes you so unique. And what about that staff of your? I can see it in your photo (btw who took that?) and I bet it would open the door to more of that story and the values that fuel your world.
