Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Personal Logo

Logo design tells a story with many factors.    Like for my design, I have the "big stick designs."  It relates to me personally because I carry a walking stick.  It's apart of my story because I got the stick on a mission trip to Haiti.  So this stick has strong ties to my faith and it is a good opener if I want to share my faith with someone. Plus it's totally awesome and classy. Oh a here is my logo.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Kerning this the process of moving letters in a word closer together or further apart the add some sort of visual appeal.  Depending on the distance between letters, an artist can input certain feelings into the viewer.  For example when letters are really close together it can evoke a quick feeling of speed and movement.  When the letters are stretched out the viewer slows down and reads thing very slowly. Kerning can give a design as a whole a new or different feeling.

Monday, April 7, 2014


This years E-Magine was great. I really liked the atmosphere, with idea of trying to be like the oscars it made the whole night a little more sophisticated and awesome.  I entered a piece but it was now selected in the top five or anything haha.  But it's okay.  I got to play the guitar for the entirety of the night with was really fun and I got lots of compliments on my playing, which reinforced my guitar playing skills. All around it was a fun night.  Oh and here's some pictures of me.

Saul Bass Movie Poster

Movie poster are always cool, and have the purpose of getting the audience in a frenzy to see the movie coming out. When designing a poster in the style of Saul Bass you want to remain as simple as possible, while keeping the ingenious wow factor.  In the above example of "Star Wars Ep. V" Bass has the outline of the well know character of Boba Fett, with title in his chest area with negative space. Then on the side have all the names of the major actors/actresses.  For my poster I went with an even simpler idea, maybe a little less awesome.  I have the three major components of the movie.  The nautilus, the squid and the under the sea part.  All incorporated within three colors.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The "Google" Logo

Google.  The major corporation we all know and love, or hate.  Regardless of whether or not we like Google, we all know it and probably use it.  The logo has slowly developed over many years, though most people never noticed the changes.  Here is a quick genealogy of the Google logo.

In 1998 Google's first logo came into the world.  Using Baskerville Bold as the font and having the colors go: green, red, yellow, blue, green, red.
The next incarnation of the Google logo came very fast.  The previous logo was published september of 1998 and this newer logo came out in october of the same year and lasted till may of 1999.  Now the colors went: blue, red, yellow, blue, green, red.  Still using Baskerville bold as the typeface.  With the new wildcard of having a blue exclamation point and the addition of a vague shadow.  This was a serious game changer.  The logo of google was under major scrutiny at all times and why a few people like the exclamation point most people did not and thought it was childish.
Following was the google logo that most people are familiar with.  This logo was the one that has set the standard for perfect logo design for the past decade. With a few major changes.  First the color order stayed the same but with a brand new font. "Natanael Gama" is the closest resembling font for this new logo, but there is no true "google font" due to the custom graphics.  With a shadow at the base, the changes that are most noticeable are the nearly tilted "O's" and the "e" with the top half tilted upward.  Also new additions included the reflectiveness of each letter with the obvious highlights and shadowing on the letters.  This logo was the most effective and being timeless because it lasted the longest, nearly ten years.
This next logo was the precedent of the logo that lasted the longest.  This logo, though is only lasted three years was the gateway to getting to todays google logo.  There are only two distinguishable differences on this next logo. First the shadows have been removed to add to simplicity.  Second is that the highlight have been brought back to make it seem more chill and to add to simplicity.
This next logo is the most recent google logo.  This logo has close to know differences from the previous.  The only real difference is that the highlight have been completely eliminated.  This adds to simplicity and also the colors have been brightened a little make them more monotone and easier to recognize


Monday, March 10, 2014

Final Question

"How do the things  I value reveal my personal story?"
The above photo is my personal poster about things I consume, as it says.  There are ten things, displayed on this poster.  I can easily tell you that the two most important to me are my God and my family.  There is no question these are the things I value the most in my life.  Without either of these things my life would be pointless.  The fact that these are the most important, reveal what truly matters to me. In my opinion, if family and God aren't the two most important things in your life, then you're living your life wrong.  Those two things need to be at the center of everything you are.  Seeing as how they are at the center of my life, I think it says something about my character and what really matters to me in my daily life, I DO NOT need anything materialistic.  Even though this poster project was very materialistic, at the base of everything else, is God and family.  So there you have it, that's who I am, like it or not.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014



Miles Neidinger has just put out another work that is actually really cool! It's entirely made of straws and ropes. He name it "The Anatomy of the Palace of Wisdom."  People and critics have said "it comes close to showing us, the place of wisdom, glimpsed in the William Blake poem. Neidinger references "The Marriage of Heaven & Hell."  Neidinger comments of a quote, which says "the road of excess leads to the place of wisdom." This quote seems like a simple comment at a first glance, but if you really sit down and think about it you can see that is has deep undertones about humanity and what we see as important. If you think about it the quote basically means that if we consume an excess, or large amount, of something, we reach a place of wisdom on whatever it is we consume the most.

Let me break this down in an example that relates to me.  I consume a lot of drumsticks.  After years and years of playing drums, I've gone through countless drumsticks. Also after all this time using drumsticks, I've come to a place of wisdom, when it comes to drumsticks.  I know all about drumsticks. For example, if I was to say I use "5bnx sticks" any person who doesn't play drums wouldn't understand what I was saying.

So say if your a girl and you use a lot of make-up.  After consuming so much make-up you are and expert about all the make-up you use.

Yeah consumption.